Estate Planning Lawyer Litigation

April 28, 2011

Filed under: Estate Planning,Probate Litigation — Christopher J. Berry @ 1:26 am

In a New York Times article, it appears the estate planning lawyer who drafted the estate planning documents for the Brooke Astor will appeal the conviction.  You can read the article here.

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Keeping Your Assets out of Michigan Probate Court

March 22, 2011

Filed under: Do It Yourself Estate Planning Gone Wrong,Estate Administration,Probate,Probate Litigation — Christopher J. Berry @ 2:36 pm

As a Metro Detroit estate planning and probate lawyer, I try to keep up on the latest news and blogs regarding probate and estate planning in Michigan.  That’s when I ran accross my friend and colleague, Grand Rapids Estate Planning Lawyer, Michael Lictherman’s latest blog post entitlted “Tips On Keeping Your Michigan Estate Out of Court.”

In his post he references another article and has a few quality tips on keeping your estate out of the probate court, which most of our clients wish to do.

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Probate Estate Litigation for Red Foxx’s Estate

March 25, 2010

Filed under: Estate Administration,Probate,Probate Litigation — Christopher J. Berry @ 10:00 pm

It looks like Redd Foxx’s estate is causing all types of legal issues for the Las Vegas attorneys who are trying to wrap up the estate. It seems that upon his passing Redd Foxx owed more than $3.6 Million to the IRS. After some bumbling by one of Foxx’s daughters in administering the estate, a Las Vegas City Administrator is now in charge of trying to knock the estate out of the red and into the black. One interesting item is that the there is the possibility of the life story of Redd Foxx being sold, which could provide the estate with a necessary shot in the financial arm. You can read more of the AOL story at Trying to Get Foxx’s Estate Out of the Red.

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Feng Shui Master will not inherit Billionaire’s Estate

February 16, 2010

Filed under: Estate Administration,Estate Planning,Probate,Probate Litigation — Christopher J. Berry @ 3:51 pm

The Elder Law Prof Blog has an interesting little post dealing with the Hong Kong Billionaire, Nina Wang’s estate. Apparently, Ms. Wang who was known as “Little Sweeite” had a will drawn up in 2002 leaving her estate to a charity. A Judge just ruled that a “feng shui will” from 2006 would be invalidated due to Ms. Wang’s signature being forged. You can read the post here: Feng Shui Master won’t Inherit Eccentric Billionaire’s Estate.

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Forged Wills

October 26, 2009

Filed under: Estate Administration,Probate,Probate Litigation — Christopher J. Berry @ 8:14 pm

As Michigan probate lawyers we hardly ever run into situaitons where we have to engage in Michigan probate litigation over a forged last will and testament. That said, there is a forged will at the cent of the Booke Astor probate controversy. You can read the WSJ article on the subject of forged wills here: Forged Wills Are Now Not Just Fiction.

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Oakland County Probate Lawyer Information

September 20, 2009

Filed under: Estate Administration,Probate,Probate Litigation — Christopher J. Berry @ 8:40 pm

In Oakland County, Michigan, the Oakland County Probate court is located in Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan.

The address of the Oakland County Probate Court is:

Oakland County Probate Court – Estates and Mental Health
1200 North Telegraph Road, Department 457
Pontiac, Michigan, USA 48341-0457

If you are curious about an Oakland County, Michigan Probate, you can contact the Oakland County Probate Court by telephone at 248-858-0260.  Or you can contact an Oakland County probate attorney at 248-971-1700.

As part of the Oakland County Probate process, you will have to publish a Notice to Creditors.  This is done in the Oakland County Legal News.  The phone number to reach the legal notices department for the Oakland County Legal News is 248-577-6100.  To fax the Notice to Creditors to the Oakland County Legal News, use their fax number, which is 248-577-6111.  You can also visit the Oakland County Legal News website at  There is a fee for publishing the Notice to Creditors that is paid to the newspaper.

If you would like assistance in going through the Oakland County Probate process or are a beneficiary, creditor, trustee or personal representative looking for legal representation in a Oakland County Probate, Oakland County Estate Administration or Oakland County Probate Litigation matter, email a Michigan Probate lawyer or call 248-971-1700.

Christopher J. Berry, Esq., A Oakland County Probate Lawyer, is a Partner with The Law Offices of Witzke Berry PLLC, which practices in the areas of Oakland County  Estate Administration, Oakland County Wills, and Oakland County Probate Litigation, serving Metro-Detroit and Oakland County, Macomb County, and Wayne County.  We can be reached at 248-971-1700

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Farmington Hills Probate Lawyer Information

September 19, 2009

Filed under: Estate Administration,Probate,Probate Litigation — Christopher J. Berry @ 11:39 pm

In Farmington Hills, Michigan, the Farmington Hills Probate court is located in Oakland County.

The address of the Oakland County Probate Court is located at:

Oakland County Probate Court – Estates and Mental Health
1200 North Telegraph Road, Department 457
Pontiac, Michigan, USA 48341-0457

If you are curious about a Farmington Hills, Michigan Probate, you can contact the Oakland County Probate Court by telephone at 248-858-0260.  Or you can contact a Farmington Hills probate attorney at 248-971-1700.

As part of the Oakland County Probate process, you will have to publish a Notice to Creditors.  This is done in the Oakland County Legal News.  The phone number to reach the legal notices department for the Oakland County Legal News is 248-577-6100.  To fax the Notice to Creditors to the Oakland County Legal News, use their fax number, which is 248-577-6111.  You can also visit the Oakland County Legal News website at  There is a fee for publishing the Notice to Creditors that is paid to the newspaper.

If you would like assistance in going through the Farmington Probate process or are a beneficiary, creditor, trustee or personal representative looking for legal representation in a Farmington Probate, Farmington Hills Estate Administration or Farmington Hills Probate Litigation matter, email a Michigan Probate lawyer or call 248-971-1700.

Christopher J. Berry, Esq., A Farmington Hills Probate Lawyer, is a Partner with The Law Offices of Witzke Berry PLLC, which practices in the areas of Farmington Hills Estate Administration, Farmington Hills Wills, and Farmington Hills Probate Litigation, serving Metro-Detroit and Oakland County, Macomb County, and Wayne County.  We can be reached at 248-971-1700.

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Farmington Hills Probate Litigation Lawyer

June 7, 2011

Filed under: Estate Administration,Probate,Probate Litigation — Christopher J. Berry @ 11:59 pm

Our Michigan probate litigation law firm has handled a few probate litigation cases from clients in the Farmington Hills area.  It’s like coming full circle since I grew up in Farmington Hills area.  Specifically, I grew up in on 11 mile near Middlebelt, in Farmington Hills.

Who knew I’d grow up to be a probate lawyer servincing clients in Farmington Hills, Michigan?

Five Ways to Bungle Trust Administration in Michigan

May 26, 2011

Filed under: Do It Yourself Estate Planning Gone Wrong,Estate Administration,Federal Estate Tax,Probate,Probate Litigation — Christopher J. Berry @ 7:34 pm

Estate planning with revocable living trusts answer at least three main questions which includes: Who gets what?  How do you minimize settlement costs, such as probate and estate taxes? And, who is in control after the trustmaker passes away?

Barron’s has a great article entitled “The Five Biggest Ways to Bungle a Trust” that describes many of the mistakes that do-it-yourselfers face when they go at trust administration alone.  As Michigan trust administration and Oakland county probate lawyers, we are often brought in to clean up theses messes.

The first way people screw up trust administration involves keeping faulty records.  Generally trustees in Michigan must provide at least annual accountings to the beneficiaries.  Often, these accountings are slapped together at the last minute by an overwhelmed trustee.  As Michigan trust administration and estate administration lawyers, we professionally manage this process for our clients.  Whether we handle it in-house or outsource it to highly qualified CPA’s, our client’s understand that it’s professionally done and the beneficiaries of the trust appreciate the clarity.

Another way that trustees botch the trust administration process is by failing to diversify the trust assets.  It may be tempting to sit on a big chunk of a single stock, but often times, as prudent investors, it’s important for the trustee to diversify the portfolio so as to minimize risk for the beneficiaries.

Yet another trustee issue we see is that of biased distributions.  Trustees owe a fiduciary duty to the current beneficiaries and the remaindermen.  Therefore, a trustee cannot favor one beneficiary over another or allow any personal bias into the decision making.

The fourth area we, as Oakland county trust administration lawyers, see trustees making poor judgements is in the concept of the trustee expecting a payday.   Trustees, when acting without the aid of an trust administration attorney, often expect at the end of the day they will get a windfall for the efforts, when in reality, more often than not, they are only entitled to reasonable expenses and fees.  Quite often this is a source of probate or trust litigation.

Lastly, as a trustee acting alone, often times we’ll see that they have a false sense of safety.  A trustee acting without experienced Michigan trust administration counsel can feel that there is an entitlement and honor in serving the role of trustee at the other beneficiaries will defer to any judgements or decisions you make.  This generally cannot be further from the truth.  Quite often beneficiaries are looking for any little mistake a trustee makes, even in the best of families.


More Seeking Estate Planning Guidance Online

May 24, 2011

Filed under: Do It Yourself Estate Planning Gone Wrong,Estate Planning,Michigan Veterans Benefits,Probate Litigation,Veterans Benefits — Christopher J. Berry @ 8:05 pm

If you were to google “Michigan Estate Planning Lawyer“, “Oakland County Estate Planning Attorney,” or “Michigan Veterans Benefits Lawyer“, one of our websites would show up very favorably.  The reason for that is our goal and desire to educate the public on estate planning, elder law, and probate issues.

There is a recent blog post and study that suggest that more and more people are looking to the internet and going online to find guidance with regard to their estate planning legal needs according to a blog post from the UK.  According to the study, some 48 percent of individuals polled suggested they went online for information regarding estate planning.

Also according to the study, much of the “self help” or “do-it-yourselfer-ers” can pose huge risks when it comes to the estate planning process.  That’s no news if you follow some of our past posts on how this type of planning can go horribly wrong.



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