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Taking Charge of Your Assets With Estate Planning
October 30, 2011
Filed under: Estate Planning — Christopher J. Berry @ 10:16 pm
The WSJ has an interesting article discussing estate planning that you can find here.
The article first discusses how the words “estate planning” have a tendancy to cause anxiety for a number of reasons. First estate planning means mulling over “scary events” (timely for a Haloween blog post!), such as incapacity and death. Secondly, estate planning involves important, yet at times akward conversations with family members, financial advisors, insurance brokers and estate planning lawyers.
But it’s worth the effort. Planning ahead means for one thing, you’re in control of your property if you pass away or are incapacitated.
According to the article, the biggest mistake people make is not having a plan at all. As a michigan estate planning attorney, I’d have to agree. If you don’t make a plan, the State of Michigan has a plan for you. It involves probate and intestacy.
Interesting article, check it out.