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Bad Medicaid Planning Information On the Internet

June 22, 2011

Filed under: Do It Yourself Estate Planning Gone Wrong,Medicaid Planning — Christopher J. Berry | Estate & Elder Law Attorney @ 12:56 am

It’s amazing how much bad information I see out there as a Michigan Medicaid planning attorney.  For example, I was sitting at a meeting today and started talking with an indiviual who said he used to work for a certain “estate planning” firm in the Metro-Detroit area.  Well, when I had a chance I decided to pop over to their website to see what was going on with their firm, and after jumping through all the flash animation I finally got to the content.

They pride themselves and their seminars on being “estate planning” experts, so I was intrigued when I saw that they listed “medicaid planning” on their website as a speciality.  As an attorney that focuses entirely on estate planning and Michigan medicaid planning I was curious to see what informaiton they provided.

Well, according to them, there is a 36 month look back period on any divestments.  Well, this information is blatantly wrong and does a disservice to people searching for Michigan medicaid planning information in Michigan on the internet.  Obviously, with the implementation of the DRA back in 2007 (yes, the information they have is 4 years out of date), the new divestment penalty period is 60 months.

Attorney Christopher J. Berry is a Metro Detroit estate planning and elder law lawyer who helps families, seniors, veterans and business owners with their important legal needs. Oakland County estate planning lawyer, Christopher Berry is a partner in the Bloomfield Hills law firm of Witzke Berry PLLC. Mr. Berry practices in the areas of estate planning, business, probate, veterans benefits & Medicaid planning.

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